tisdag 25 november 2008

Munka lately

Hey, it's been a while since I last posted. Seems like october, the most active month of swedishtech so far, left us all with are guards down. Or something like that.
Actually, I haven't felt like I had anything finished, or worth bringing to the table, but here's what's been up lately.Right before our autumn break we had a full week of painting live models. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. The teachers focused mostly on composition, as in relating the model to the room around her or him. I did learn a bit about that, I think, but it was kind of frustrating to be standing in front of a model and not focusing that much on what she actually looked like, in depth so to speak. Anyhow, this is one of the paintings I made during that week. This assignment was to try and paint like a famous or recognised painter of models. I chose Schiele. This thing kind of reminds of Carlos Capelan's stuff though.

After the break, having returned from Gothenburg and London, both great trips, we worked with performance art for one week. The overall theme of this week was "School", and each group of six or so people was ment to have a class on a certain subject. My group was assigned "social studies". This had me thinking about the social studies I had late in gymnasiet. My world view was pretty much solidified in it's current state, and it stood in stark contrast to the one presented by my teacher. This was kind of a hopeless sitiuation, because what I was studying was basically lies to me. Well, maybe more silly than hopeless. Below is the title of my individual performance.

So basically, what I did was ask everybody in the audience to write down on a piece of paper what they thought to be the best way to change the world. They had two minutes to do this. Then I walked around with a waste- paper basket, tossing some of the pieces of paper into it, and stuffing some of them in my pocket. When this was done I put the pieces of paper from my pocket into the skull of a plastic skeleton and placed it in the centre of the classroom. Eh, yeah.

People actually got more offended then I had imagined by this. Which was good and creepy.
The performance week was really intense. A lot of great stuff said and done, it kind of felt like our school opened itself up, and I was left thinking about where I usually store my emotions while making art.

And now for some nude studies of poor photographic quality:

During the last few weeks I've been working with a couple of things. I've made clay- prints out of a Bacon- painting. This hasn't turned out very good yet, but we'll see.
I've also been making collages out of Aron's interrail photos, or at least those of buildings. A lot of fun.
And I've been working on this painting, kind of a triple self- portrait. Not sure if it's done or not, or if it's good or not. This is a pretty big thing, about 1,80 * 1,40 m is my guess. Acrylics, pastels and oil on paper.

Lately I've been thinking about promotion. I think that we're up to some high quality shit on this blog, and more people should get to see/hear it. Any ideas? Stickers? Commenting on other blogs?

fredag 21 november 2008


Här är en dikt jag och min vän skrev tillsammans genom att skriva vartannat ord. Processen var väldigt rolig och är rätt nöjd med resultat:

när det inte ens
går finns en likgiltig tanke bakom mig
över slätten och oss på moln och under finns tanken som var
nej fly -ga bort -ger klar!
också jungfrun satt hos barägaren
barägaren äger en upplevelse röd äcklig lockande
det hemsöker varandet medvetandet
nerstoppat med handen trevandes oförstående
hennes kom närmare fast fantasin
vara sönder eller naken
inte vilja vara mer varken mindre

torsdag 6 november 2008

Körkarlen on Saturday

Körkarlen på lördag där Frans, William, Nils och jag spelar på lördag kostar inte 250kr som vi tidigare hade trott utan vi har förhandlat så det kostar 60kr så våra vänner kan komma. Så alla som vill höra otroligt bra musik till en bra film borde va på Kino klockan 13 på lördag. Be there or be []