tisdag 22 september 2009

Nygammal kreation

Jag tänkte bryta den svenska teknologins eviga tystnad med en liten dikt jag skrev för några månader sen, och som jag nu modifierat lite. Hej och hå.


Jag skulle kunna beskriva

glidflygaren, som med sitt gula segel

ger sig ut för klippan, och cirkulerar den

som om, genom att se den från alla vinklar

han trodde sig kunna fånga dess väsen

eller så kunde jag rikta min penna¨

mot den äldre mannen bakom trädet

(med glasögon och mustasch från 80-talet)

just som han, med kikaren fixerad

vid något odefinierbart,

greppade en sanning ingen sett förut

(för ingen hade letat just där).

Men när jag sitter här

klockan elva en söndagsmorgon

och solen skiner på Sussex Downs

är landskapet mig inte lika nära

som noga konstruerade sprinklersystem;

flervariabelsanalys, något jag ännu inte bemästrat;

en Rembrandtmålning på Louvren – Jesus uppenbarad;

Clapham Junction, en tågstation i London jag aldrig besökt.

Tanken kan ibland vandra längre

än vad vi själva gör,

men ofta är den bunden

till samma horisont.

söndag 5 juli 2009

Kondoleanser från Klostergården

Det här tyckte jag var så fint att det måste dokumenteras:

Upphovsman okänd.

fredag 3 juli 2009

GFK - andra sommaren

Jag sitter en del i marknadsundersökningföretaget GFKs lokaler, ritar och ringer och stör folk.

söndag 7 juni 2009

Thoughts on Godard; À Bout de Souffle

I just re-watched Godard's famous first feature film, À Bout de Souffle (1960), which I hadn't seen for four years or so. While no doubt one of the most overrated filmmakers ever, Godard does achieve some magic with this little gem. It is little in many senses of the word; flat, straightforward – "energy over substance", etc., and certainly fails to evoke any 'real' emotions with its never-ending parade of coquetries. But this is perhaps the purpose of it: the celebrated Godardian jump cut is much more about establishing a meta-filmic mood rather than conveying any of the purported political messages. Nay, the merit of Godard's film lies in the dream world it creates, a world completely devoid of morality and, indeed, mortality in any important sense of the word. The love expressed in À Bout de Souffle is not real love, but cinematic love. Its people are not real people, but (non-trivially) cinematic people. It's a movie which couldn't have been made by anyone other than a film critic.


tisdag 19 maj 2009

Filosofisk trudelutt

Och den där känslan av att våren faktiskt ligger i luften – hur sliten metaforiken än må vara, hur svårt det än är att förstå vad uttrycket egentligen vill säga mer konkret – kommer likväl över mig, och jag kan inte värja mig för dess sanning. Inte blommorna, inte solen, inte värmen – inte ens fågelsången – utan något helt annat, en abstrakt storhet vars omfattning är begränsad till just luften, är källan till denna förnimmelse av vår. Ibland är den bästa beskrivningen inte den som pekar ut fenomen som faktiskt existerar i världen, och i just det här fallet råkar en besynnerlig animism vara det lämpligaste sättet att återge våra känslor. Alltså (och jag känner att det här skulle göra sig bra på tyska, men min uttrycksförmåga är begränsad till det svenska språket): vårens själ (Seele? Geist?) har anlänt.

Mvh Aron

måndag 11 maj 2009

Hey everyone...

Just want to share some of what I've been up to lately. Not that I think anyone's got any interrest in this blog no more, but... As you can see these are very egocentered pieces, and is simply put beacause I am hunting for a front to a futur demo of some kind. Paris sucks the power out of me, forgive... it...


torsdag 19 februari 2009

drrrr, drrr, drrr

Or whatever your respective alarm- clocks sound like. Time for new postings and reports!

A triptych of diptychs:

This is the result of a drawing assignment. The first part of the assignment was to draw ones hand in very enlarged scale, these drawings are about 90*50 cm (wild guess). Next we were asked to draw another object of roughly the same size as a hand in the same scale and somehow tie the two pictures together. I drew a half- emptied tube of paint. Coal and ink pencil.

Two paintings by my classmate Jenny, on the subject of memory, or rather two specific memories. I really like these two, they get a mood across to me with simple means.

These two I made, also after two visual memories. And yeah, sorry about the bad photos.

I finally won the weekly drawing contest in my class. The subject matter needed for this to happen was not surprisingly my own appearance:

The last few weeks I've been building a wooden apparatus:

This isn't what it looks like anymore, or what it will look like when it's done. The whole idea was to build an object- sculpture that could also hold images drawn on transparent overhead sheets. These drawings will be put in the parralell slots of each board in the picture, forming rows. In the middle of this object there will be a lamp so that the drawings can be seen on top of, or through, eachother, hopefully creating a kind of scenic perspective feeling, and also combining them into one so to speak. The apparatus is almost finished now, I will start working on the actual drawings and the sculpture aspects in the week to come.
The idea originally came from the concept of filling filing cabinets with drawings. This seemed more exciting though. I guess this thing is as hard to understand as it is to explain, but I will be back with a more comprehensive report.
Technically, this has been kind of over my head. The whole project was complicated even more by my, in retrospect obviously regrettable, choice to incorporate highly poisonous gas as a vital component:

my classmate is in the local press.

I hope you're all well!


fredag 30 januari 2009

Some tips

Dear readers of all ages, I thought I should step out of my own limited surroundings for once and bring you some tips on things cultural that I consider worth checking out.
First off, on some rap shit, a guy who calls himself Thump has done a complete remix album of rapper Aesop Rocks latest full length release, None Shall Pass. The remix album is titled None Shall Proceed and can be accessed here on Youtube, though I'm sure there is a torrent version of the Mp3:s available aswell.
I really like this. The new beats bring out new aspects of the vocals, and the juxtaposition of the generally slow- paced beats and Aesops rapid raps sounds great to me. Maybe this is just non- musical- person- talk for slightly out of sync, though. The samples used are very creative aswell. I really dig the use of birdcalls on the remix of Bring back Pluto and how Thump sometimes reuses samples from older Aesop Rock tracks. Also worth mentioning is the orchestrated insanity of the remixes of 39 Thieves and getaway car. So, check it out.
In other Aesop related news, he has recently released a collaboration with artist Jeremy Fish. It can be downloaded for free right here. The inspiration for the project comes, as I understand it, from a part of San Fransisco called the Barbary Coast and it's inhabitants.
The downloadable folder contains quite alot of goodies. A great track by Aes Rock and the lyrics in pdf- format to go along with it (with his usual vivid and bewildering imagery), aswell as a video file showcasing Jeremy Fish's art. I'm not exactly a fan of Jeremy Fish, but I think this project as a whole is really interesting. And good. And free!

Recently, I saw an exhibition at the gallery of Malmö Art College (Malmö Konsthögskola). The last-year student Johan Furåker showed paintings and a roll of drawings based on the story of one Albert Dadas. Dadas was a mine worker who at several points in his life felt an uncontrollable urge to leave his bleak everyday life behinf him and roam Europe. In the psychiatric environment of the 19-th century he was given the slightly weird prognosis of Pathological Tourism, as I understand it kind of the male equivalent of female hysteria.
It was a really great exhibition, which unfortunately has now closed. Some of it can be seen here though. What I really liked was the genuine interest the artist had in the fate of this single person, and how he had spent several years working around his story. A fascinating story too, with many different levels to it, personal and social.

There is, until February 21st, an exhibition of artist Mattias Härenstams videos at Skånes Konstförening, also in Malmö. The videos, to me, seem centered around themes of depression and the longing for, or perhaps fear of, surprise and wonder in day- to day life. Definately worth checking out.

That's all for now, I hope you're all doing well!


torsdag 22 januari 2009

William asked me to do the design for the logo for the club he will be arranging this spring together with Josef and Fredrik. I came up with some ideas. The name isn't sure yet, but I hope they are satisfied with my effort and stick to "Black Lodge". I started out with the ones featuring pencil. I wanted the letters to have a scary feeling to them, that's how I came up with the childish, runelike ones. It seems to me our ancient alphabet, despite its use in nazi designs, have a rustic, supernatural feeling to them.

Searching the web for inspiration, I came across some nice typefaces. My other intention was for the letters to bring forth images of 19th century circus posters and early 20th century movie posters (so I stole the letters from a couple). The zigzag on the circus one is off course the carpeting from the original Black Lodge. The bug I though might be an imaginary inhabitant of a place like the Black Lodge. Bugs are never wrong... I like them all, and I feel I have a great affection for designing logos. A monochrome kingdom is where I dwell at the moment.

I am thinking about the SweTech flyers/stickers. Thought I might do something in the same hundred, but with more colour to it. But I like the sparse, raw imagery. I hope it works out well with colours, too. Some intense, bright colour. Give me ideas of what colours I should use. After all, the decision will affect us all; since the flyers/stickers will be spread over Europe we have to think a bit about the design.
