A triptych of diptychs:
This is the result of a drawing assignment. The first part of the assignment was to draw ones hand in very enlarged scale, these drawings are about 90*50 cm (wild guess). Next we were asked to draw another object of roughly the same size as a hand in the same scale and somehow tie the two pictures together. I drew a half- emptied tube of paint. Coal and ink pencil.
I finally won the weekly drawing contest in my class. The subject matter needed for this to happen was not surprisingly my own appearance:
The last few weeks I've been building a wooden apparatus:
This isn't what it looks like anymore, or what it will look like when it's done. The whole idea was to build an object- sculpture that could also hold images drawn on transparent overhead sheets. These drawings will be put in the parralell slots of each board in the picture, forming rows. In the middle of this object there will be a lamp so that the drawings can be seen on top of, or through, eachother, hopefully creating a kind of scenic perspective feeling, and also combining them into one so to speak. The apparatus is almost finished now, I will start working on the actual drawings and the sculpture aspects in the week to come.
The idea originally came from the concept of filling filing cabinets with drawings. This seemed more exciting though. I guess this thing is as hard to understand as it is to explain, but I will be back with a more comprehensive report.
Technically, this has been kind of over my head. The whole project was complicated even more by my, in retrospect obviously regrettable, choice to incorporate highly poisonous gas as a vital component:
my classmate is in the local press.
I hope you're all well!