söndag 12 oktober 2008

Representing Munka Ljungby

Here are pictures of the pages in one of the 12 booklets that my classmate Jenny has made. She based the drawings on fragments of a poetry- collection. This is one of my favourites. In case you can't make out the text on the last page it reads: "Bittermandel och skriande ångest".

This is a painting Jenny painted, mostly using acrylics, I think. It's a patial self- portrait and it's pretty big. I really like it, it's a shame my photo came out so crappy.

And here's a drawing of Jenny's. I dig her style.

Another of my classmates, Kristin, made this goodlooking and professional photoseries. The model is gradually undressing by cutting her clothing to pieces with a pair of scissors. She presented the photos in a kind of manual slideshow apparatus made out of wood.

In front of this photo- box she showed the cut- up clothing. Great stuff.
As a sculpture assignment, the same one that resulted in the bicycle- record player, Kristin "repaired" a pair of high- heeled shoes. I'm a big fan of these. They're filled up with plaster in order to be able to bend their shape.
I know I'm updating like crazy, but a lot of shit's been cracking here lately. Hope you enjoy it.

1 kommentar:

Aron sa...

Woah, I am impressed. I especially like Kristin's photo series and your drawings (a few of which I've seen before, I think). The sheer breadth of expression certainly is amazing, especially the combination of conceptual and more traditional art. You sure keep it busy in Munka!